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Annie's Recipes

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Thanks for stopping by! This website is an ongoing labor of love. Please enjoy the recipes already posted here and visit often as new ones will be frequently added!

Cooking and eating good food has always been one of the great pleasures of my life. Through this webpage I've tried to assemble some of my favorite recipes, both so I can keep track of them myself and so that others can share them as well. I've also included some cooking tips I've learned throughout the years, and links to other recipe and cooking sites that I enjoy.

I am not quite sure when it was I became interested in cooking. But somewhere along the way I took notes, listened, and through trial and error came up with a few personal specialties. Collecting cookbooks and recipes is an obsession for me. I love to try new recipes, and also gather ideas from restaurants, watching Food Network on cable, and friends and family. A lot of my recipes contain my very favorite ingredients so you may see some variations using the same ingredients. Have fun experimenting with my favorite recipes!

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Feel free to email me and let me know what you think of this site or to  contribute your own tips and recipes.